April Surf Session, Nahant Delivers
During the summer months, Nahant tends to be a very tranquil beach, replete with gently breaking small surf and too many people to count. The beaches are typically protected from ocean energy by Nahant, unless enough water can push through. On this day, with a forecast of 3-5 footers at 12 seconds, things were looking very promising. Among the horde of surfers that showed up, we three kayakers stood out in the crowd.
The surfers and SUPs had arrived earlier and were congregating about a third of the way down the beach from the Tides restaurant. Given the Alex was fairly new to surfing and in a new boat, we opted to stay closer to the Tides. We were not disappointed. Consistent sets of 2-4 footers rolled in with an average period of around 10 seconds. The rides were long and the smiles wide. Scott put on a surfing backwards clinic and Alex made it clear he was having a good time by his constant shouts of joy after catching a wave.
For me, this was the first time surfing the Greenlander Pro, a hard-chine boat. First impressions were positive. Fast and responsive.
Excellent view of the wave pattern refracting around Nahant. Aerial pic taken by Alex Debski.